Saturday, April 26, 2008

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 188:24

My daughter was Grand Champion of her class in the final winter show today! I am so proud. Not only did she win a trophy (that we didn't expect)...but my father decided to join us! How wonderful and blessed we were to have him there since he hasn't left the house much since October 31st, the night of his emergency surgery... and the day that changed his life (and ours) as he knew it.

Dearest Lord, thank you for giving us such a joyous occasion to bring Dad out and share in Graysen's special day. I am so grateful for your presence and our relationship that continues to grow. You command complete faith and I trust in your provisions. Just as you said, you are the husband to the husbandless and the father to the fatherless. This couldn't be more true in our life. Grant me strength to continue in my journey, to discern your voice, and to be the servant that you ask me to be. Bring peace to my heart, peace in my home, and peace to the world, Amen.