Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Don't Look Back

As today is my birthday, I want to reflect on how thankful I am for being at this very place in life...I am content (most of the time) and I am happy...but mostly, I am blessed and grateful, and for this I thank God!
I have used this image before, and I am sure I will again because it is so important to me. I received this card several years ago from a nurse friend after my divorce. The hand written note inside was poignant, but it was the picture that captivated me. It so sums my future. It reminds me to not look back and keep my eyes focused on what is in front of me. Now that I have Jesus in my life, my previous lifestyle is no longer an option. My new life has begun and I am already traveling down its' path. I am prepared. I am heading toward the light over the hill and I have turned my back on the trail that leads to darkness. The owl of wisdom and free will always sits at the crossroad causing me to think and consider my options...and that my options will only take me into one of two directions...down a path of hope and life or down the path of fear and loneliness.
I do not think that my good friend could have even know how much her card has come to symbolize my life. It is even framed, sitting on my dresser and placed on this blog...not once, but twice, so far. Such a small act of kindness had a significant impact for me. I praise the Lord, I praise the Lord.
Thank you Jesus for all of the small things, for it
is the tiniest things in life that build such great rewards. In these moments I
clearly see your hand moving in my life, only because I stopped and took notice.
I pray that I never stop and that you continue to create a woman in me that sees
your hand and hears your voice in all things. In Jesus' name I pray,


Paula V said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Praise God. I love your quote of growing older is a blessing when you're growing closer to God.

Amen to that!